Elon Musk Twitter Hacked By BTC Scammers ! Elonevent Sites To Double BTC Scam

[Update – Elon Musk, Bill Gate, Apple, Uber & other’s Twitter account got hacked by Bitcoin Scammers]

You may have come across different social media posts on Twitter & Instagram claiming Elon Musk is throwing a crypto party and you can send the BTC or BCH and get the double amount in return.

Some of these Instagram posts ask you to visit elonevent.site or eloneven.live where you will find the bitcoin and bitcoin cash address. Many users may have sent their BTC in order to double the amount.

Is it even real?

No, these are bitcoin scammers trying to rip-off your bitcoin and you won’t get anything in return except regret.

ElonEven Site To Double BTC or BCH Scam

How these sites work and what you can get from these sites? Let’s find more about ongoing crypto scams.

Now, look at this post.

The Instagram post claims “We here at tesla have decided to throw a crypto party of sorts – we are giving away bitcoins! Wanna get some? Go to eloneven.live

elonevent instagram

This is a complete bitcoin scam, the site will take you to a website created on the Medium.com platform and you will find the links to Bitcoin and BCH address.

If you send any amount to BTC/BCH then it won’t come back to you again, forget about the double of the sent amount.

Now check these comments from another such Instagram post. It has a comment by a verified person so that users may find it authentic.

elon event verified comment

There are tons of positive comments from different fake accounts. A non-tech-savvy person may easily fall for this scam.

elon event comment

Don’t believe anyone claiming to double your bitcoin by sending them some amount. Bitcoin transactions are anonymous, no one can track where you sent your BTC.

There are hundreds of such Instagram posts that are circulating from different accounts. These are not limited to Instagram only you may find such scam posts on Twitter, Facebook, Emails, or any other online platform.

If you come across any such post then report it to the respective platform as a scam.

Elon Musk Twitter Account Hacked By Bitcoin Scammers

Seems like scammers have gone beyond the social media posts, and now they have hacked Elon Musk Twitter account to spread their scamming motto.

Not only Elon Musk but they have hacked Bill Gates and some other popular personalities’ Twitter accounts.

While writing this post I got a Twitter notification for the new tweet of Elon Musk and see what does it read –

“I’m feeling generous because of Covid-19. I’ll double any BTC payment sent to my BTC address for the next hour. Good Luck, and stay safe out there!”

elon musk twitter hacked bitcoin scam

The tweet suddenly got suspicious and I had to check the Bitcoin address to the Blockchain Explorer. As soon I checked the BTC address on the blockchain it has 88 transactions within few minutes with 1.69 BTC.

This may be done by scammers to make it more authentic.

elon msuk btc scam explorer

But I refreshed the page after 5-6 minutes and it went to 264 transactions with 11.19 BTC. It is now sure that 100s of Twitter users have fallen for the scam.

Of course, the tweet was from the verified twitter account of none other than Elon Musk.

btc address elon musk

Before I finish writing, I checked again and the transactions went even higher to 319 transactions with 12.19 BTC. Insane! Twitter users have totally failed to understand the crypto scams and they should realize that hacking is real and anyone can get hacked.

btc scam on elon musk twitter

And notice, scammers have already moved the BTC to some other address. They are playing really smart scamming innocent people on social media.

The clarification has yet to come from Elon Musk.

They have not only hacked Elon Musk Twitter but Apple, Uber, Bill Gates, and many more. Watch out guys there are tons of online scams going on never send money or crypto to any unknown person.

Elonevent.live Elonevent.site is operating for a long time but this is totally unexpected to see the big names in the tech industry would get hacked.

The hashtags #ElonMusk #Hacked and others are already trending.

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