[ULTIMATE GUIDE] How to Install Magisk and Switch From SuperSU to Magisk?

Overview- SuperSU is tradition way to root android but Magisk is the new tech which makes android rooting really easy and effective, you will learn to Install Magisk on both rooted and unrooted android device.

Rooting an Android framework gives you access to multiple features that are not available in the default mode. Although the traditional ‘SuperSu‘ method of rooting has established dominance, Magisk is increasingly taking the front when it comes to Android rooting.

What’s Magisk?

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Magisk is the essential intermediate that makes Android rooting easier for non-techies.

Let’s go back to the past when rooting used to be an arduous task before Marshmallow (Android 6.0). The requirements involved flashing a custom recovery, unlocking the bootloader, and installing SuperSU.

Based on this, Android users can state that Marshmallow has ushered in a brand new era of the Android Operating System.

Even Android 7.0 Nougat had introduced a lot of similar features to Marshmallow, and so does the Android Oreo.

Some of the Magisk advantages are that it is not required to move the ‘su’ daemon into the ‘/system’ partition and neither requires permission to root your Android system.

SuperSU created an annoying limitation for those who were not technically tuned.

Thankfully, Magisk is a ‘lifesaver’ root. Considering that it does not require any modification of ‘/system’ partition whatsoever.

Although your device is rooted, you can still have total access to functions like Android Pay & give root access to each app selectively.

Magisk is always under continuous development. Innovation and adding impeccable functionalities assure that you have the best out of this software each time. Moreover, Magisk is a completely open-source project.

How to Install Magisk on Android Device?

It’s all about investing your patience into getting the ideal service at the right time.

Start by downloading the Magisk file. While it is processing, also get the Magisk Manager. Then copy both to your Android SD card or smartphone’s internal storage.

Note: Make sure to safely backup all data before installing any root to your Android.

Now, if your device is already rooted but you want to avail the best of this service, you must unroot before using Magisk.

To accomplish unrooting you may consider using the ‘unSU Script’ for a successful start.

Magisk ZIP file offers two options to download. You can choose to save them directly on your phone or on your computer before transferring them to your phone.

To flash Magisk on your device, you may consider getting a custom recovery software like TWRP.

  • Go to Settings, About Phone.switch from SuperSu to Magisk, supersu to magisk, android rooting, how to install magisk, magisk
  • Tap on the Build Number 7 consecutive times to unlock Developer Options.switch from SuperSu to Magisk, supersu to magisk, android rooting, how to install magisk, magisk
  • Go back to the Settings menu and select Developer Options.
  • Then click OK on the warning and toggle it ON.
  • Tap on Enable OEM Unlocking & USB Debugging.switch from SuperSu to Magisk, supersu to magisk, android rooting, how to install magisk, magisk

Beyond this point, each device has its own unique way of unlocking the bootloader. For some devices, such as Xiaomi, you will need to seek bootloader unlocking authorization code from the OEM itself. This process might set you back some 7 to 10 days until you can install TWRP on the device.

Assuming that you have TWRP installed on the device, proceed with the remaining steps to install Magisk.

  • Use the key combination Power button + Volume Down button to boot your Android into custom recovery.
  • Once you locate the bootloader menu, select Recovery Mode using the volume keys and then open TWRP.
  • Within the TWRP interface, tap Install.
  • Consequently, all the files & folders located within the device’s internal storage will be displayed.
  • Choose that folder where you had placed the Magisk ZIP file and tap Install Image.
  • Do not make any changes to the Install zip page and Swipe to Confirm Flash.switch from SuperSu to Magisk, supersu to magisk, android rooting, how to install magisk, magisk
  • Lastly, wait for the flashing to be complete, then tap Reboot System.

Done! You made it through flashing Magisk onto your Android system successfully.

Install Magisk Manager

switch from SuperSu to Magisk, supersu to magisk, android rooting, how to install magisk, magisk

  • Reboot your phone as you normally do.
  • Then access Settings, Security, and Unknown Sources.
  • Do not be alarmed if you see some kind of warning there, just accept it and toggle the handle to enable it.
  • To initiate Magisk Manager installation, find it in the Downloads folder.
  • Tap on the Magisk Manager zip folder to install.

On its homepage, you will see three sections-

  1. The latest version of Magisk
  2. Rooting status
  3. SafetyNet check

Passing the SafetyNet check

Magisk gives the benefits of rooting without losing access to apps like Pokemon Go, Netflix, & Android Pay!

Well, through Magisk Manager, you can even find out whether you are in the clear or not.

Just tap the option “verify SafetyNet check” to see your status.

If you fail, do not despair because it will work only if your bootloader is locked!

You might also consider using Magisk Hide, but it will only work on SuperSU unrooted phones. So, once again, make sure you unroot before flashing Magisk.

One of the things that can be done is to go to the Magisk Manager Settings and activate Magisk Core Only mode.

Then recheck if you have passed the SafetyNet by simply rebooting. It disables all other Magisk modules but keeps all of the root options and BusyBox working.

With all elements in place, Magisk is the convenient solution to Android rooting with the Marshmallow system or more recent Android OS versions.

This systemless root is the most practical and by far secure process of rooting Android devices without imperiling the native configuration default of your phone.

Switching From SuperSu to Magisk

For those of you who have a SuperSu installed, you need to switch from SuperSu to Magisk.

By the looks of it, Magisk is unstoppable. It’s taking over the rooting planet.

Android has expanded its wings, which is not only a great marketing move but it is a gift for users too! Because these new launchings are making it compatible with Magisk.

Also, old Android owners of SuperSu can refrain from concerning about losing system mods like what happens to Xposed Framework.

With Magisk Manager, you can download them without damaging your device’s partition.

However, you need to install TWRP custom recovery to switch from SuperSu to Magisk.

Find below all downloads Required to Switch From SuperSu to Magisk:

How to Switch From SuperSu to Magisk?

The first step is to unroot your android device.

All of the downloaded files from above must be moved to your device’s internal storage if downloading via PC.

Just save them in a designated folder so you can find all the files easily.

  • Access TWRP to boot Android following its sequence.
  • Usually, it is the Down Volume key + Power Button. Then open TWRP.
  • Tap Install in the TWRP interface.
  • Now, go to the folder with those downloaded contents.
  • Choose unSU ZIP file and then confirm the flashing by swiping to the right.
  • Once the process is done, hit Reboot System.
  • Check the rooting status on your device.

Root Checker app is a useful tool for users who have doubts about whether or not their smartphone is properly unrooted.

You can download Root Checker app from Google Play Store for a kick start.

Note: Flashing Magisk ZIP file is a deep invasive process on your device. Therefore, ensure that you keep all the personal files safe and sound with a complete Nandroid backup.

To install Magisk ZIP file, go back to TWRP recovery before the next steps & do the following.

  • Tap Install.
  • Find Magisk ZIP file and swipe to endorse flash.
  • Reboot system.

Install Magisk Manager

  • Tap the Magisk Manager ZIP folder and install Magisk Manager.

Open Magisk Manager & do the following:

  • Go to Settings and activate BusyBox, Magisk Hide, and Systemless hosts.
  • Head back to the Status section and hit SafetyNet check button. You should see that you’ve gone through this confirmation.

Clear data on the Play Store app

Running root voids your warranty and prevent allow you from using some services online like Netflix and Android Pay, for example.

Unfortunately, Magisk Hide does not guarantee that every service will be fully working when it is activated.

Thus, you need to configure the Play Store in order to recognize the current status of the SafetyNet check.

To do this:

  • Head to Settings and tap Apps, then select Google Play Store.
  • Then hit Force Stop, tap Manage Space, & lastly, tap Clear Data.
  • Within Play Store, scroll down to the Settings and find your device certified.

Done! Now, you just made your device totally independent, which will allow you to do tweaks in settings, personalize it according to your taste and install anything you like.

Just be cautious about APK files that might modify system files since that will trip SafetyNet.

Overall properly rooting your Android device is a little complicated. Using Magisk, you can root the Android in simple steps. Still, if you have already rooted your Android using SuperSU, then you can switch to Magisk for a better experience and usability.

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